So, the release party for Lemonade & Rumors and moonShine review #3 was this past Thursday evening. It was a small group, but a good one. My mom came in for it, and one DMVer (RH who has been part of my poetic universe for 8 years now!) surprised me…
a hatch for the "Big Argument" tally
For the first time in my married life, I truly understand how divorces happen. How two people who were so sure their “forever” was together end up spending time with their kids on opposite weekends. In hindsight it was dumb. I was overreacting (I even knew this at the time)…
Homecoming :)
Today’s the big day! At 12 days old (13 if you count inclusively, which I don’t), our little guy is being discharged from the Special Care Nursery today! He’d already be home if not for the fact that Daddy is at work today (gotta work for that insurance coverage) and…
baby update
Today has probably been the most emotionally draining since Bean was born 10 days ago. We were looking forward to bringing him home from the hospital today. It was all dependant on if he gained weight last night. Well, the short of it is that (we think) he didn’t. That’s…
up to HERE
I’ve had enough of it. About 90 minutes ago I blew up over the phone at my dad. Badly. I was screaming. (Munchkin was laughing at me — glad someone got something good out of it.) I hyperventilated for nearly 10 minutes afterwards, realizing all the while that this is…