CHAPBOOK UPDATE: Like shaving too close with a dull razor.

So, I had another meeting with my editor last night. Seems my beautiful book was putting us over budget, so we needed to cut about 8-10 pages. Ouch.

She suggested removing 3 pieces that took 4 pages. Then we doubled up more poems (cutting an additional 3). But I couldn’t bare to pull one of the 3 she suggested, so that meant we’d only cut 2 poems (and 2 pages). I suggested another page for cutting, so we were back down to 7 cut, still not enough. And then I couldn’t handle one of the pairings she’d suggested — it was too crowded. So we were back up to 6 cut. So we moved the pub credits to the end of the TOC, the acknowledgments to my bio page, and my “Disclaimer” poem to the Editor’s Notes page.


Anne is going to make a mock up with our changes and we’ll go from there. I’m afraid that it’s far too crowded. So I’m still trying to figure which poem(s) I can stand to pull.

The comfort is in knowing I’m only pulling them from this manuscript, not throwing them out or something like that. I can still publish them later or send them to journals in the mean time. It’s just hard. Especially since the collection really is very tight as it stands. I feel like I’m playing Jenga and any piece I pull has the potential to make the collection collapse.

Still, what a learning experience!

In other news, I think we’ve decided on the stock for the cover. It’s a bright yellow, brighter than I thought I’d like, but the black tones it down lots. (Yes, the cover is black/grayscale on yellow.)

And I still have to write my frickin bio and acknowledgments.

But it’s all good.

LEMONADE & RUMORS Chapbook Progress: Table of Contents

Just had a meeting with my editor last night. We ordered the poems, pulled a few more and got together a tentative Table of Contents (excluding stuff like acknowledgments & bio & title page). So, really it’s just a list of the poems that will likely be included in the order they’ll be found.

Because both my editor and the printer are a little bit overwhelmed with projects at the moment, it looks like the release will unfortunately be pushed to May. Not a big deal except that I really was looking forward to having some of “National Poetry Month” (April) to promote it. But it’s cool. Having it out in May will make it a nice birthday gift to myself.

whiny entry

I’m tired, feeling yucky, hungry, tired and miserable. DH had the flu all weekend, so I got to play nurse to him while taking care of munchkin and myself by myself. Fortunately “myself” wasn’t doing too bad this weekend, but unfortunately I had been planning on having DH help with the kid so I could use the weekend to get WORK done. No such luck. Now today, once DH is back out the door at work, I feel like crap — pregnant crap, not flu crap at least — and STILL am getting NOTHING accomplished. I’m feeling burnt out and am LOATHING the idea of having to go to work tomorrow. I’ve been a freaking emotional mess today and am being an awful mom leaving munckin in his crib long after his nap. He’s entertaining himself and hasn’t cried to get out, but really I owe him some attention, a diaper change, and dinner.

I’m so tired. And damnit, I’m crying again.