Pregnancy Update

On New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, I had my second (and, most likely, last) ultrasound. DH was able to finangle his way out of work in time to be there for it (it helped that they only took me back 40 minutes after my appointment time). It was so great to watch DH watching the monitor. I think it finally really clicked for him. I mean, I guess that for me when I started feeling Peanut a couple weeks ago, it really clicked for me. But he doesn’t get to feel the baby constantly, so actually seeing Peanut… yeah, that was neat.

All looks well… two arms, two legs, one spine that looks a-ok, four chambers in the heart, a regular heartrate of 140.

We told the technician that we didn’t want to know the gender yet, though, so even though she got some really good shots of the baby (a nice profile in particular), she didn’t give us those. They revealed too much, I guess. If so many shots were that revealing, it makes me think Peanut might be a boy, but then again, she has a trained eye, so they might as well have revealed “girly parts” instead. Anyhow, we got 3 sort of generic shots that I’ll scan and post ASAP, so look for them soon. As for the shots we didn’t get to keep, I’ll ask at my next appointment if I can get (copies of) them after the baby is born — I’d like them for the baby book.

Next appointment: 10 days from now.

heartbeat and kicks

DH was able to make it to my appointment this morning before he went to work. He got to hear the heartbeat, but other than that, it was quick and uneventful. The doctor expressed her slight concern over the fact that I’ve only gained 3 lbs since my first visit. I let her know that I did at least gain 3 lbs prior to my first visit, after finding out we were pregnant. I think that I’ve gained more than that in my tummy, but I think too that I’ve lost a little of my own weight.

In other news, Saturday (12/13/03) was exciting: we felt the baby kick! I’d thought I’d felt the baby move before, but never could be sure. On Saturday, though, I definitely felt Peanut kick! (or punch, or headbang…) And then DH was able to feel it too… pretty amazing!


Just an update regarding the wed-site… Despite [un]popular concerns on topics of privacy, Wonderful Journey will continue to stay online. I have updated it and removed information that was pertinent only before the wedding. If anyone else out there has concerns about the security of my identity, or any other…

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Second Prenatal Appointment

Yesterday’s appointment, my second so far, went well. It was quick — I was in and out of the front doors in less than 20 minutes. But that’s not to say it was lacking in excitement! We listened to Peanut’s heartbeat (160) for the first time! Very cool… Now if only I could get the little bugger to agree to eat…

I’m 13 weeks (and some change) along so far, so that means I’m about done with the first trimester. Supposedly that means I should be feeling better soon. At least that’s what everyone keeps telling me. And I was feeling better too. Then last Thursday happened. Since then, the after-work-sickness has been awful (mornings are usually fine). I threw up again last night (I’m sure everyone wanted to hear that), and so Peanut didn’t get all the vitamins s/he was supposed to get. If only I could eat and, thus, break this viscious cycle. I’m looking forward to this roumored “honeymoon” trimester #2.

beginnings: 10.5 weeks pregnant

Well, I’m about 10.5 weeks along now, and finally the “morning” sickness is easing up. I’m constantly hungry, but I still have a tough time figuring out what foods will go down and stay down best. But that’s better than being sick to my stomach constantly.

I had my first check-up last Monday. You can see Peanut’s first photos on the photo page. It was very cool to see that there is a baby growing in there, and I do have reason for my digestive tract to be all messed up. Oh! and I saw Peanut wiggle too! That was pretty amazing…