So, I’m aware I’ve broken my initial promise about this blog. Though I’d resolved to write at least once a week, it’s been a few minutes short of 10 days. And still, I don’t know what to write — but not for lack of content.
Where do I start?
Ok, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to post the condensed version first. Then hopefully tomorrow, or Saturday at least, I’ll bury it with something happier, though some of the following is wonderfully happy. But most is less than cheerful.
So, here’s what the last week has entailed:
- Thurs. 4/17
- 8:30 am – Mom calls to say Grandpap had been moved the day before from the hospital (where he’d been for over 2 weeks) to an assisted living facility for further recovery. Unfortunately, they didn’t “assist his living” so well and allowed his bloodsugar to drop dangerously low, resulting in him being taken by paramedics to the ICU. His heart was only functioning at 15%
- 9 am – 5:45 pm – work at the office. Of course, I was planning on leaving at 5 on the dot, but the projects had been piled on that day, so I had to stay late instead of leaving early.
- 5:50 pm – After a speedy change of clothes, I dashed to the car to drive to the concert, still hoping to get there about 6:45. Instead, I hit traffic, followed bad directions, followed more bad directions, drove around way more than necessary because of bad stupid google directions to BFE, not the concert venue. Called my husband no less than 6 times trying to get to where I needed to be. Screamed out of frustration while driving. Oh, and somewhere in there I hit a chick-fil-a drive-thru for dinner.
- 7:28 pm – I finally arrive & jump out of the car, dash to pick up my ticket and get my butt inside. I saw Jason heading in (grey stocking cap and all) from the bus right before I did, so I figured I couldn’t be too late. (The show was to start at 7:30.)
- 7:30-11-ish pm – I did my crazy geeky white-girl-with-no-rhythm “dance” and totally was that girl that Jason talks about on the Schubas “Did You Get My Message” audience participation track — that girl who just would not shut up! And I had no shame. (Apologies to anyone around me, really… sorta.)
11 – 11:45 pm – Got a hug & a photo op from Billy, and he signed his cd for me as well as the Fire Relief cd. (He seemed happy to see I’d gotten that one.) Also bought the Makepeace Brother’s cd & got them to sign that. I headed down toward my car and the bus, and got to steal a hug from Toca & talked with him a little. They all seemed tired after the show. Then Jason peeked his head out of the bus & offered to take pictures as long as they were group shots. Not being part of a group, and not wanting to be just another picture to endure, I left a copy of SMR #2 with Toca, who agreed to give it to Jason, and I headed home.
- 11:45-12:30 – The drive home was easier, but not without missed turns. I’ll admit, though, that I was talking with my mom, catching up on Grandpap’s condition and other things.
- When I got home, DH was waiting up for me, though I told him he didn’t have to. It took me a while to unwind before bed, something like 2 am I think.
- Friday 4/18 – The bigger munchkin (almost 4 now) came down with Chicken Pox. Nuff said.
- Saturday 4/19 – My brother had his Eagle Scout Ceremony in PA. I had been holding out hope until the last minute that I might be able to work out coming up for it. The chicken pox thing dashed the last of that. I hear it went really well.
- Sunday 4/20 – We went to church separately, due to the poxed child. That, and the 3 mystery shops I did, broke up the day a lot.
- Monday 4/21 – I determined that chicken pox are a headache. I went into work for 2 hours before resuming watch of the diseased one.
- Tuesday 4/22 – Ditto previous. But thank goodness for small gifts: wonderful, lovely “Details in the Fabric” single release… something to listen to while feeling sorry for myself. ha.
- Wednesday 4/23 – Kiddo went back to school. The little one has not caught the itchies this time around, though there’s still a few more days before that’s definite.
- Thursday 4/24 – Mom called to say Grandpap’s taken a bad turn. His heart still is only functioning at 15%, his kidneys are failing, his bloodsugar won’t stay up, and he has some kind of infection – probably pneumonia. It’s a matter of hours, days at best — or worst, depending.
So now, I’m trying to figure out how & when to go up to PA. Should I plan on getting an overpriced plane ticket? Or drive 1000 miles round trip? should I go now? or wait until he dies?
Really, that’s where I’m at right now.
I want last Thursday night back.
Oh Julie I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa. It is such a hard decision to make, one I went through with my grandma’s final days a few years back. There is no easy answer and only you can decide what to do based on how you feel. You are all in my thoughts.
My sister & I had pox at the same time. It was 4th of July week, I was 7, she was 4 and we still went to the fireworks show in NH with my aunt & uncle. Who knows how many mosquitos bit us beside that lake in the wet lawn, so we just enjoyed the fireworks. Oatmeal baths are the best for helping with the itches. Good luck!
On a happier/lighter note it is great to hear that you overcame the traffic & direction issues & made it to the show then danced like a crazy person all night :~) It sounds like you really needed to let loose & have fun!
ugh! what a week!
poor grandpap…stop feeling bad though…i did the same thing with my grandma when she was at the end. i think it’s not that bad when you know they’re tired and ready to go. it’s almost like you’re happy for them. at least that’s how i feel.
that’s a GREAT picture with billy you got there. did you get his latest release yet? i downloaded it the same time i got jason’s single. it’s good…get it…i love him.
and may i suggest i googled it one day to see if it would work…i was probably listening to the dream life of…at the time, but it worked and it’s a great sight. i have yet to get bad directions.
as for the chicken pox…sorry. what can you say, huh?
sorry about your grandpa, mine was very ill for quite sometime before he passed last year. My best wishes. On a lighter note, thanks for the support. Only like three people read my blogs, but it’s nice to let it out to the world anyways. The concert sounds like it was fun. I think Mraz is great and i enjoy his music, but i’m not a big enough fan to drive to go see him. Terrific you went and had fun though. Oh, no i don’t usually write slam ones, too negative to focus on.